Deal Team 101 - The Role of The Accountant

Having an accountant on your deal team is a great sanity-check for your company valuation before you go to market.

Be careful, as accountants don't typically have their fingers on the pulse of the actual buyer market.... -what the most likely, most attractive potential buyers of your business will actually pay.

Accountants will often set valuation expectations with an owner over the course of their preexisting relationship working together throughout the operation of the business leading up to an exit.

When it comes time to exit, and to put a concreate asking price or price range on your business (whether you disclose that or not, you should know it), you'll want to make sure you're not only relying on your accountant for their evaluation of your business as they see it based on multiples and comps, but you'll probably want to check with some front-line intermediaries with relevant experience in your space, -in your geographic area, or industry or deal size, -who can give you their take on what valuation you'll most likely land on to get the deal done.

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