Key International Market M&A Deal Volumes Down By 62% In January 2023

M&A deals volume decrease

Grant Thornton revealed that India recorded 145 deals, valuing USD 2.7 billion in January 2023. This is the second highest volumes witnessed after 244 deals recorded in January 2022.

This showed a decline both in terms of deal volumes and values over January 2022. The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deal volumes declined by 62 per cent at 26 deals valuing USD 311 million, an 88 per cent decrease compared to January 2022, owing to the volatile market conditions and the cautious approach adopted by strategic investors. While the M&A segment continued to be dominated by domestic deals, it recorded the lowest monthly values since May 2022 at USD 270 million. 

When compared with December 2022, the deal volumes witnessed a marginal 3 per cent increase, while values declined by 62 per cent due to the absence of big-ticket transactions. January 2023 recorded no deals in the billion-dollar category and six high-value deals worth over USD 100 million compared to a billion-dollar deal and seven high-value deals witnessed in December 2022.


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