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Buy a Small Business for Sale Instead of Starting From Scratch

Being a smart entrepreneur is more than starting a business. Read on to learn how it's better to buy a small business for sale instead of starting one from scratch.

buy a small business

Don’t Start a Business From Scratch

Buy one instead

Being a smart entrepreneur is more than starting a business. Read on to learn how it's better to buy a small business for sale instead of starting one from scratch.

Small business for sale by owner

What if you could own a new business overnight?

The mindset of entrepreneurs often focuses on building a business from the ground up. However, you're actually far better off finding a small business for sale by the owner instead of starting a brand new business from scratch.

Wondering why you shouldn't start from scratch? Here's our complete guide to buying the best small business to start.

The Time Is Right

You could buy an established business for sale at any time. So, why is now the best time to get started?

Many businesses are owned by Baby Boomers. And a whopping 10,000 Boomers are retiring each day!

Baby Boomer business owners retiring are motivated sellers who will be happy to see their brand continue. And with so many pondering retirements, you'll have a selection of businesses to choose from.

Easy Business Financing

The biggest obstacle to starting a business from scratch is financing. Banks are understandably hesitant to fund an unproven idea, especially during a tumultuous economy.

However, they are likelier to provide financing for an established business. After all, such a business has already proven itself with the sweet smell of success within the local community.

Honestly, avoiding financing headaches is one of the best reasons to scoop up an existing business!

Easy Instant Profits

Starting a new business is always a calculated risk. Smart entrepreneurs must be prepared to deal with even years of waiting before profit is generated. And, of course, it may never actually turn a profit.

When you buy an existing business for sale, though, you start pulling down real income from the very beginning. The math on this is simple: by purchasing a successful business, you can enjoy the sweet smell of success from day one!

With these instant profits, you can also engage in any renovations and innovations you've been dreaming of. And you can do so secure in the knowledge that your business is already a success.

Hit the Ground Running

In addition to being a proven brand, part of what makes your best small business to purchase a success is that you can hit the ground running.

That's because you didn't just buy a building and its equipment. You also bought a robust network of contacts. And you have access to trained and skilled employees who helped make the brand a success.

Why go through the headache of building something brand new when you can own a proven business model right away? And there's always room for expansion later on.

Less Work, More Instant Profit

The final reason to purchase a small business for sale by the owner can be summed up in 4 words: "less work, more instant profit."

You get to skip all those sleepless nights and endless paperwork that comes from starting a new business. And you also get to skip the difficult task of hiring the right employees.

Instead, you get to jump right into a great brand and a successful staff. Your only challenge? To make this the best small business to start as big as your ambitions!

Small Business for Sale: Your Future Awaits

Now you know why you should buy a small business for sale. But do you know where to find the best businesses just waiting for you?

We specialize in linking ambitious buyers with motivated sellers. To start your small business big dreams, check out our small businesses for sale by owner today!


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