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How to Get a Loan to Buy a Business

Are you worried about your lack of capital? Many successful businesses started with a loan. Get a loan to buy a business with these simple steps.

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Want to buy a business

Here is how to get a loan

Are you worried about your lack of capital? Many successful businesses started with a loan. Get a loan to buy a business with these simple steps.

Loan to buy a business

Only 80 percent of small businesses survive the first year. After that, things get even worse. Only half of the small businesses pass the five-year mark.

Are you an entrepreneur wanting to own your own business but are afraid of failing? There's a solution!

Buying an existing business is a great way to increase your chances of success. And if you're worried about getting a loan to buy a business, we have the tips for you.

Keep reading to learn more about your options for financing your new business. 

Bank Loans

If you have a great credit score and can show a history of strong financials for the business you want to purchase, you'll probably qualify for a bank loan. Many banks offer their own loans and even small business administration (SBA) loans that are backed by the government.

If the company has a good history and a positive outlook, you may qualify for a loan with a low interest rate. However, bank loans aren't always the best choice. They can be time-consuming and often require you to make a deposit as collateral. 

Credit Union Loans

Credit unions are not for profit and are owned and control by their members. This means they often have lower interest rates and fees as well as more flexible lending requirements.

They tend to have a more personal approach and aren't bound by a set of strict guidelines. 

Online Business Loans

Prospective business owners can choose from many different options when it comes to online business loans. Online lenders offer a fast and convenient application process and tend to have higher approval rates than traditional lenders.

Be sure to compare rates and terms carefully to avoid getting stuck with a high interest rate.

Online Personal Loans

Personal loans can also be used to finance business ventures but it's important to shop around. While going this route can get you funding quickly, not all personal loan lenders will let you use the funds for business purposes. 

Seller Financing

If you don't want to get a loan from a third party, you may be able to make arrangements with the seller of the business. They will act as a lender and you can make payments to them for their business in installments.

Sometimes the seller will even finance part of the sale price. With this sort of arrangement, you can pay as you go. This can make managing your budget and cash flow much easier. 

Looking for a Loan to Buy a Business?

Starting your own business can be one of the most rewarding yet scary ventures you'll ever make. You can go into the process with more confidence and less risk by buying an existing business.

If you looking for a loan to buy a business, we are here for you. We help entrepreneurs buy existing businesses.

Click here to learn more about funding your new business. 

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6 Reasons to Buy a Business Instead of Starting a New One

One of the major advantages of buying a business is that financials already exists. An existing business can easily develop an accurate financial estimate or gauge future earnings.

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Do You Want To Buy A Business?

Instead of starting a new one

Startup, startup, startup. These days anybody and everybody who thinks of entrepreneurship think of starting something from scratch…. Make the pitch deck, get the funding, get the ego-stroking valuation you can tell all of your friends and family about inside and outside of startup land…

A recent study, showed nearly 20% of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% fail in their second year and about 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business. Statistics like this make starting a new business a scary proposition.

On the other hand, you have an improved chance of succeeding when you buy an existing business. Here are some reasons to consider buying an existing business instead of starting a new one.

Financials Already Exist

One of the major advantages of buying a business is that financials already exists. An existing business can easily develop an accurate financial estimate or gauge future earnings. However, new businesses have to rely on pro forma budgets where they forecast revenues, cash flow, taxes, and expenses in advance.

 Cash Flow is Predictable

Furthermore, existing businesses have immediate and anticipated cash flow. When you buy an existing business, you have estimated revenue for the payroll, operations, taxes, and debt service to rely upon. However, if you start your business from scratch, you have to wait for several months before you have the adequate cash flow to cover these costs.

Established Suppliers and Credit Lines

In addition, existing businesses have established suppliers and credit lines. You can easily get a loan or line of credit. However, if you start your business from scratch, it will take quite some time before you establish a relationship with any supplier. Also, you will find it hard to secure loans or supplier credit.

 Established Customer Base

As a new business, you need to find customers for your new startup. You have to run a series of promos, discounts, referrals, and offers. Besides, it also takes time to build a loyal customer base. On the other hand, existing businesses have an established customer base. Once you buy the business, you only need to focus on the existing customer base, deliver quality services, and improve customer experience.

 Licenses and Permits

Before you can operate as a business, you need to be granted licenses and permits by the body overseeing your sector. This may take quite some time, weeks or even months. In fact, you may even be denied a license to sell your products if you fail to meet certain criteria. However, existing businesses already have all the required licenses and permits. Once you purchase the business, all licenses and permits will be transferred to you.

 Ease of Finance

Finally, an existing business already has a history, mode of operation, as well as a proven track record. If you need business financing, you can base your lending decision on actual results and not just estimates and calculated guesses. Thus, making it easier to secure business financing from banks and lenders.

To Recap it all for you

6 reasons to buy an existing business instead of starting one. There are several risks involved in becoming your own boss. When you buy an already existing business, you are taking a calculated risk which eliminates several pitfalls and failure potentials that come with starting your business from scratch.

 Planning to buy a business? 

Buying a business is a huge decision. You need to ensure that you get it right. Contact us today to know more about BizNexus. Our expert team will be available to speak with you and discuss the options available to you. A fantastic experience awaits you.


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