Featured Business Broker — Tyler Evans

Exit Planning in California

Meet Tyler, our featured business broker this week. Tyler is an active member of the BizNexus community & a passionate M&A advisor focused on exit planning and teaching entrepreneurs how to buy a business.

Tyler Evans - How To Sell a Business

When it comes to business, Tyler started early. His father started SoCal Business Brokers back in 1992, and Tyler grew up stuffing envelopes and helping around the office, along with daily mental math quizzes. After graduation, it was only natural for him to step into the family business, and when his father retired, he took over. Now, Tyler blends the firm’s old-school approach with his own knowledge of social media and digital marketing.

A Family Background in Small Business M&A

As an entrepreneur turned intermediary, Tyler is a 3-time small business owner who blends real-life experience with his practice of working with business owners in an effective way to position themselves for an optimal exit and valuation. 

Who Tyler Typically Helps With Exit Planning Services

Tyler’s clients are typically people that have built a business over many years and are now at the point in their life when they would like to retire or move on to their next adventure.

Part of life is setting a goal and working toward it, so I find it useful to share my own personal goal with potential clients to share in the spirit of moving forward with the next step in their career or life. My ideal retirement includes buying 40+ acres of land, and building a homestead where I can grow my own food, fix up an old ford side step truck, build my own house, and fish on a river that runs through the property. Give us a call to discuss your business and we can consult with you on what your next steps should be as you take the next step in your journey. - Tyler Evans

Industry Focus - Exit Planning & Deal Origination

Tyler has worked with clients in Manufacturing distribution, hi-tech and e-commerce, along with a wide range of service businesses including medical practices, engineering, investment advisory firms, spas, and much more.

His motto: educate, not sell. 

"We're set up to educate, not to sell. That goes a really long way with business owners."

Get In Touch with Tyler

You can chat with Tyler Evans here through his BizNexus profile, or send him an email at tyler@so-calbusinessbrokers.com.

Services & Exit Planning Strategy

Tyler's business model supports the seller's needs and goals. As a generalist broker, he's closed over 500 transactions from various businesses, ranging from $1-5 million. His "sweet spots" include manufacturing distribution, wholesale, and e-commerce

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If you'd like to join the queue to get featured, all you need to do is answer a few questions and we'll take care of the rest.


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