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How To Sell a Business To Your Management Team

Selling your business to your existing management team is a common choice for many owners.

There are lots of benefits to handing your business over to people you know and trust, and who understand the ins and outs of working there along with your goals, values, challenges, and vision.

At the same time, this kind of transaction comes with its own set of unique challenges. Some questions you might want to answer are:

How much equity should you give to key employees?

How can you get your financing lined up?

What about confidentiality? How can you flesh out your options without compromising a potential alternative exit option?

What about your customers? How do you transition them over to the team? How do you keep them on board with your transition plans?

We asked the BizNexus community to share their thoughts on selling your business to your management team and their key considerations. Check out their responses below.

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We bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and M&A experts to master the process of getting your business acquired or recapitalized, so we can learn how to set up a great deal team, financing, and exit plan from a network of industry professionals & advisors.

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