BizNexus Advisor Panel

Authentic Brand Promotion For An Internet-Driven World


Show, Don’t Tell

Niche, Value-Driven Brand Promotion



Application-Only Membership

For Established Advisors only

Advisor Panel members are respected leaders, intermediaries and niche B2B advisors who are selected based on your demonstrated domain expertise & ability to advise owners/founders within your niche.

Members are provided with content opportunities to lead the conversation inside and outside of the BizNexus Community.

Let us help you niche down to move up-market.

Membership Requirements

Advisor panel members are expected to step up as a resource on topics directly related to your designated professional niche.

Advisor Panel Benefits

Members of our Advisor Panel receive Clear Benefits:

  1. Managed content marketing

  2. niche, multi-channel event promotion

  3. niche-defining branding inside & outside of OUR community

  4. brand ADVISORy, collaboration & training

  5. brand audit market asset creation

Targeted Branding By Niche

Connections within your niche determine your long-term transaction success. Approved members of the BizNexus Advisor Panel are positioned within spaces, articles & events designed to deliver value to your target niche.

We develop targeted campaign outreach for your niche target audience to ensure that every time you log in to the community, you’ll find professionals & entrepreneurs directly relevant to your practice & niche.

Network with owners, c-suite managers and referral prospects to build meaningful online relationships that you can take offline to get deals done whenever the timing is appropriate.


guided Branding Opportunities

Quickly establish your authority & reputation as a leader in our community & through a variety of native branding opportunities designed to increase visibility in your niche.

Advisors are also promoted outside the community across the BizNexus ecosystem through exclusive access to BizNexus articles, newsletter & marketplace. 

Work with our content team to enhance your reputation as a thought leader in your niche.


Referrals & Deal flow

Build your inbound deal flow by leading with value as a moderator for events, spaces and masterclasses your niche.

Topics and members related to your niche target practice will be directed to your solution oriented content.

By sharing value & expertise, you’ll build targeted relationships that create opportunity and develop into real world alliances & inbound deal flow


Training & Workshops

Check in on the latest branding opportunities within your niche and collaborate with advisors to build your niche brand authority.

Level up on all things social selling with premium access to exclusive advisor panel training workshops, collaboration sessions, white-label content & more.

We give you the tools you need to succeed at social selling inside and outside of our community.